[轉] 獨立思考測驗 (翻譯)

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[轉] 獨立思考測驗 (翻譯)

帖子 maltz » 2013-07-21, 05:56


出處:How Independent Thinking Are You? by Dr. Beverly Potter

以下一共 32 題。請依自己的程度給 1-5 分。1 分是完全做不到,5 分是每次都做到。

Openness 開放性
__1. I listen. 我傾聽別人的觀點。
__2. I consider several points of view. 我站在幾種不同的觀點上考慮事情。
__3. I accept partial answers. 我接受不完全的答案。
__4. I seek alternative explanations. 我尋找其他可能的解釋。

Critical Thinking 批判思考
__5. I define the core issues. 我專注於話題的關鍵所在。
__6. I am alert for bias. 我小心注意自己的偏見。
__7. I resist emotional appeals. 我抗拒自身情緒的影響。
__8. I examine the evidence. 我仔細檢驗現有的證據。

Independence 獨立性
__9. I clarify my viewpoint. 我釐清自己的觀點 。
__10. I rely on my own judgment. 我依賴自己的判斷。
__11. I trust my instincts. 我相信自己的直覺。
__12. I weigh expert’s advice before accepting it. 我仔細檢驗專家的建議,而不全盤接受。

Values 價值觀
__13. I live by a personal moral code. 我依照自己的道德標準處世。
__14. I consider what really matters to me. 我考慮自己真正在乎的事。
__15. I tell the truth. 我說實話。
__16. I do what I say I will do. 我言出必行。

Responsibility 責任感
__17. I am constantly improving myself. 我不停在改進自己。
__18. I don’t make excuses when I act badly. 犯錯的時候,我不替自己找藉口。
__19. I examine my motivation. 我檢驗自己的動機。
__20. I weigh consequences. 我思考自己行為的後果。

Assertiveness 決斷力
__21. I say what I think. 我把想法勇敢說出來。
__22. I question what I see and hear. 我對所見所聞抱持著懷疑態度。
__23. I take divergent positions. 我站在不同人的立場看同一件事情。
__24. I speak up when someone is inappropriate. 當有人行為不當時,我挺身而出。

Religious Openness 對宗教的包容
__25. I respect others’ religious beliefs. 我尊重他人的宗教信仰。
__26. I interpret religious edicts for myself. 我對宗教的訓條有自己的解釋。
__27. I explore religious views different from mine. 我檢視宗教中與自己不同的看法。
__28. I question the views of my religion. 我能夠質疑自己信仰的宗教的觀點。

Questioning Authority 對權威的態度
__29. I follow my conscience. 我憑良心行事。
__30. I speak up when people in authority do wrong. 當權者做錯了,我會發聲。
__31. I do what makes sense, not just obey laws. 我只做自認為合理的事,不僅止於守法。
__32. I am skeptical of what people in authority say. 我對當權者說的話抱持懷疑態度。

把所有分數相加,最大可能得分 32 x 5 = 160。

32—64: Others Think for You 依賴別人思考

You give into other’s pressures because you don’t know what you want. When you sort out what matters most to you, you will be stronger. Take time to explore what really matters to you and how you see things.


65—96: Potential Independent Thinker 有潛力的獨立思考者

You have considerable potential to think independently. Exercise your mental muscles by deciding your opinion on issues. Begin by gathering diverse information then weight the pros and cons.


97—128: Promising Independent Thinker 有前途的獨立思考者

Your critical thinking skills are good. You avoid stereotypes and question experts and authorities. It’s important to remind yourself to use your analytical skills. Look for opportunities to practice—everyday.


129—160: Outstanding Independent Thinker 出色的獨立思考者

Your ability to think for yourself is outstanding. You are good at seeing bamboozles and avoidng them. Be careful not to become complacent by being alert to your unquestioned assumptions.




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